Radiation user licence
If you deal with radioactive materials or devices, you will need a user licence.
The Protection from Harmful Radiation Act 1990 and Protection from Harmful Radiation Regulation 2013 provides for the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) to license users of regulated material and for conditions to be imposed on the licence.
Are you a worker from interstate? From 1 December 2022, if you hold a valid and current radiation user licence in another state or territory (besides Queensland), you may be entitled to work in NSW under automatic mutual recognition (AMR). If eligible for AMR, you may no longer need to apply for, or renew, a NSW radiation user licence but will need to notify the EPA of your intention to work in NSW.
Find out more about automatic mutual recognition and if you are eligible.
Information for radiation user licence applicants
- Radiation user licence - introduction
- eConnect online radiation user licence applications and renewals
- Radiation user licence - conditions
- Radiation user licence - criteria
- Radiation user licence - automatic mutual recognition of interstate licences and registrations
- Radiation user licence - application for a radiation licence or accreditation under mutual recognition
- Radiation user licence - exemptions and supervision requirements
- Radiation user licence - list of current radiation safety courses and course providers
- Radiation user licence - renewals and variations
- Radiation user licence - fees and forms
- Radiation user licence – remote operators
- Personal monitoring devices
Information for course providers: radiation safety courses for users of radiation