The College of Business offers a broad professional education in Business. The Bachelor of Science program offers students a choice of 9 concentrations by which they may focus their goals. Additionally, the COB's Business Honors program provides an alternative path to its most capable students to prepare them for management opportunities. All students must choose a concentration to complete their requirements for the baccalaureate degree. Students who are uncertain about which concentration to choose are encouraged to select the General Management concentration, as it is the most comprehensive. The structure of the General Management concentration also provides an overlap with the other concentrations, thus making changes in focus possible. Students who wish a more customized program may elect to complete the requirements for additional concentrations as well. For example, students may elect dual concentrations such as General Management and Management of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior. For information about program options, please visit our website at: Undergraduate Programs | Sacramento State (
The College also offers Minors in Business, Management of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior, Marketing, Real Estate and Land Use Affairs, and Risk Management and Insurance. A Minor in Business is valuable to the student majoring in another area who wishes to supplement his/her knowledge with a business background.
Note: The use of the word “business” throughout this section refers to courses designated as Accountancy (ACCY), Accounting Information Systems (AIS), Decision Sciences (DS), Entrepreneurship (ENTR), Finance (FIN), General Management (GM), Human Resources/Organizational Behavior (HROB), International Business (IBUS), Management (MGMT), Management Information Science (MIS), Marketing (MKTG), Operations Management (OPM).
BS in Business (Accountancy)
BS in Business (Entrepreneurship)
BS in Business (Finance)
BS in Business (General Management)
BS in Business (International Business)
BS in Business (Management of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior)
BS in Business (Management Information System)
BS in Business (Marketing)
BS in Business (Supply Chain Management)
Business Honors Program
Minor in Business
Minor in Management of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior
Minor in Marketing
Minor in Real Estate and Land Use Affairs
Minor in Risk Management and Insurance
In addition to California State University, Sacramento's full accreditation by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, the Bachelor of Science, Master of Business, and Master of Science are also individually accredited by the AACSB Internationally Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
California State University programs for professions that require licensure or certification are intended to prepare the student for California licensure and certification requirements. Admission into programs for professions that require licensure and certification does not guarantee that students will obtain a license or certificate. Licensure and certification requirements are set by agencies that are not controlled by or affiliated with the California State University and licensure and certification requirements can change at any time.
The California State University has not determined whether its programs meet other states’ educational or professional requirements for licensure and certification. Students planning to pursue licensure or certification in other states are responsible for determining whether, if they complete a California State University program, they will meet their state’s requirements for licensure or certification. This disclosure is made pursuant to 34 CFR §668.43(a)(5)(v)(C).
The College offers several general and specialized business graduate degree programs. They include: Master of Business (MBA), Master of Business for Executives (EMBA), International Master of Business (IMBA), and Master of Science in Accountancy (MS/ACCY).
International Master of Business (IMBA)
MBA (Business Analytics in Healthcare)
MBA (Entrepreneurship and Global Business)
MBA for Executives (EMBA)
MS in Accountancy
In addition to California State University, Sacramento's full accreditation by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, the Bachelor of Science, Master of Business, and Master of Science are also individually accredited by the AACSB Internationally Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
California State University programs for professions that require licensure or certification are intended to prepare the student for California licensure and certification requirements. Admission into programs for professions that require licensure and certification does not guarantee that students will obtain a license or certificate. Licensure and certification requirements are set by agencies that are not controlled by or affiliated with the California State University and licensure and certification requirements can change at any time.
The California State University has not determined whether its programs meet other states’ educational or professional requirements for licensure and certification. Students planning to pursue licensure or certification in other states are responsible for determining whether, if they complete a California State University program, they will meet their state’s requirements for licensure or certification. This disclosure is made pursuant to 34 CFR §668.43(a)(5)(v)(C).
The following is a summary of the Policies and Procedures that are unique to the COB. Students who wish to request deviation from these articulated policies and procedures must petition the COB Academic Standards Committee. Undergraduate students should submit their petitions to the Undergraduate Business Advising Center (UBAC), Tahoe Hall 1030. For graduate students enrolled in the EMBA program please contact the Director for Executive and Professional Programs, Tahoe Hall 1020. All other COB graduate students should contact the MBA Program Services (MPS), through Tahoe Hall 1030. Graduate students should contact the Graduate Programs Office (GPO), TAHOE HALL 1020. The Committee will not hear requests from students that disregard catalog policy. To see the full statement, please go to the web address:
Students are subject to being administratively dropped from business courses if they fail to meet academic standards for which they have not met the prerequisite requirements as prescribed by the COB or by Sacramento State.
Rules for adding and/or dropping a course during the first few weeks of a semester differ substantially from the policies in effect after that period of time. Different procedures may apply for undergraduate and graduate students.
Adding Courses: Students normally enroll in courses during the registration period. After the registration period, students may be permitted to add courses only with the approval of the instructor and the Associate Dean for the Academic Programs.
Dropping Courses: The requirement for dropping selected courses becomes more difficult as the semester progresses. It is the responsibility of the student to maintain progress in each course in which the student is enrolled. Students who fail to continue in the course without an approved drop will receive a grade of “WU” or “F” for the course. Please visit the Academic Programs Office Tahoe Hall 2028. You may visit the Undergraduate Business Advising Center for Undergraduate courses. For students enrolled in the EMBA program, the MBA Program Services (MPS).
Undergraduate courses used for the CBA’s major requirements may be repeated twice (for a total of three attempts). If the subject course is required and the student has not earned a grade of “A”, “A-”, “B+”, “B”, “B-”, “C+”, “C”, or “C-” in three attempts, the student will be disqualified from the COB. If the course represents a computer literacy requirement, and the student has not earned a grade of “A”, “A-”, “B+”, “B”, “B-”, “C+”, “C”, “C-”, or “CR” in three attempts, the student will not be allowed to enroll in the course a fourth time. However, the student may be given the opportunity to demonstrate computer literacy by passing the appropriate examination.
Graduate students may repeat only two graduate courses — one at the Foundation level and one at the MBA/MS level.
Undergraduate Business majors who have been disqualified from the University will not be allowed to enroll in 100-level business courses until they have been reinstated into the business major. In order for students to qualify to petition for reinstatement into the business major, they must be in good standing according to university standards. Undergraduate business students seeking reinstatement to the COB must reapply to the major through the impaction process.
Graduate students must complete a Reinstatement Petition obtained in the MBA Program Services (MPS). Graduate students must file the petition with the MPS, including an explanation with relevant documentation supporting their request for reinstatement. The COB Academic Standards Committee will review the petition.
Note: The only basis for reinstatement is the expectation (supported by evidence provided by the student) that the student is now likely to progress towards the satisfactory completion of the COB’s degree requirements in a timely manner.
Under certain conditions, students may request a grade of “Incomplete.” Students must be passing the course at the time an “Incomplete” is requested. The issuance of an “Incomplete” is appropriate only when required by University policy or in situations such as:
Except in those cases specifically approved by university policy, the course instructor has sole discretion over what constitutes a fully justifiable reason for an “Incomplete.”
A petition for Incomplete Grade must be submitted with both the student's and course instructor's showing the work to be completed, the basis by which the student's final grade will be determined, the last date for completing the incomplete work, and the grade earned by the student at the time the petition was approved. All “Incomplete” grade petitions must be agreed to by the student, as indicated by the student’s signature and date of signing. The contract must also be signed by the course instructor.
The COB restricts the enrollment in 100-level business courses through Open University to only six (6) units. The purpose of Open University is to provide opportunity for individuals from the community to enroll in certain courses for purposes of professional development. Matriculating and/or matriculated students in a COB degree program are not to use Open University. See the Undergraduate Business Advising Center (TAH-1030) for undergraduate courses.
Students may not enroll in two or more courses that are offered on the same day and at the same time. In very rare circumstances, and with approval of the course instructors and the Associate Dean for the Academic Programs, students may enroll in courses that overlap by no more than 15 minutes.
All students must have what is considered “currency of knowledge” in courses they apply towards an earned degree. This applies to both majors and minors within the COB. Courses that do not satisfy the currency of knowledge requirement must be repeated.
All current course prerequisites must have been completed within seven years of enrolling in any course having prerequisites. This currency requirement may be waived in cases where more advanced courses in the same area than the listed prerequisites have been completed in the last seven years with a grade of “C-” or better.
Lower division courses used to satisfy major or minor requirements must have been completed within seven years of the date of admission to the business major or minor. Upper division courses used to satisfy graduation requirements must have been completed within seven years of the date of graduation.
The COB Academic Standards Committee may grant credit for courses taken beyond the seven-year requirement for extensive experience in the area. The burden rests upon the applicant to demonstrate how his/her experience satisfies the requirement of currency.
All program requirements, excluding the Foundation courses, must be completed within seven years of the date of expected graduation.
During the admission cycle, courses used to fulfil Foundation course requirements must have been completed within seven years of the date of admission. The COB Academic Standards Committee, however, may approve currency for Foundation courses taken beyond the seven-year requirement if a request is so filed. Waiving of the seven-year requirement shall be based on the relevancy, level of responsibility, and duration of the applicant’s work experience. The burden rests upon the applicant to demonstrate how his/her experience satisfies the requirement for currency.
The COB has articulation agreements with a number of community colleges. These agreements stipulate the COB has agreed that certain identified undergraduate courses are deemed to be “equivalent” between the respective institutions, and therefore credit will be awarded for those courses taken at another (articulated) institution, towards a degree from Sacramento State. Approval of courses submitted for articulation is subject to currency of knowledge stipulations. See the following Web site for an up-to date list of articulated courses:
Courses taken at an AACSB International accredited college of business will be accepted for transfer credit if the course is regarded as equivalent to the course for which credit is requested. Business core courses and concentration courses will not be accepted for transfer credit from programs that are not AACSB International accredited unless taken at institutions that have national or international reputations of high quality programs.
Petitions for equivalency for undergraduate, non-articulated courses must be submitted to the Undergraduate Business Advising Center (UBAC). Petitions for equivalency for graduate, non-articulated courses must be submitted to the Graduate Programs Office, TAHOE 1020. For all other COB graduate programs contact the Graduate Programs Office. The COB Academic Standards Committee will evaluate whether the institution satisfies the requirement of “national or international reputations of high quality programs.” Subsequently, faculty in the appropriate area will make the final determination of course equivalency, e.g., content, method of instruction, method of evaluating students, and/or course duration.
The undergraduate Business Major is impacted. The students must meet the impaction criteria found at:
Students who are declared in another major and wish to declare business as their minor, must file a Minor Request Petition. Students must complete and return these petitions to the Undergraduate Business Advising Center, Tahoe Hall 1030. The deadline for the fall semester is March 1st; for the spring semester the deadline is October 1st.
Office of the Dean
Tahoe Hall 1010
Phone: (916) 278-6578
College of Business Website
Jean-Francois Coget, Dean
Mylah Nurse, Executive Assistant to the Dean
Eileen Aiello, Budget Analyst
Ale Reiher, Administrative Coordinator
Tim Richter, Director of Development
Office of the Associate Dean for Faculty Support
Tahoe Hall 2130
(916) 278-5577
Jaydeep Balakrishnan, Associate Dean
Angela Park-Girouard, Administrative Analyst
Jeannie Hansen, Faculty Personnel Analyst
Jordan Smith, AD Support Specialist
Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Programs
Tahoe Hall 2028
(916) 278-6463
Pingsheng Tong, Associate Dean
Shelly Bingel, Administrative Analyst
Maryam Sabet, Academic Programs Coordinator & Enrolment Specialist
Office of Student Engagement
Tahoe Hall 1030
(916) 278-BIZZ (2499)
Bonnie McDonald Beevers, Director
Maria Lindstrom, Coordinator Undergraduate Business Advising
Maggie Hansen, Coordinator Student Programs & Program Impact
Sanitta Coey, Administrative Analyst
Taylor Ainger, Administrative Support Coordinator
Stephanie Serrato Neumann, Academic Advisor
Ashley N. Torres, Academic Advisor
Patsy Jimenez, Integrated Academic Advisor
Undergraduate Business Advising Center
Graduate Programs Office
(iMBA, EMA, MSBA, MSF, MSA, Graduate Career Services)
Tahoe Hall 1020
Maleeha Mir Khan, Executive Director of Graduate Programs
Claire Goldsby, Graduate Programs Coordinator
Serena Hoffman, Graduate Programs Advisor
Maryanne Ruperto, Graduate Programs Specialist
MBA Program Services (MPS)
Jeanie Williams, Graduate Coordinator & MBA Advisor
Sophie Mills Duncan, Graduate Recruitment & Admissions Coordinator
Mandy Mangels, Graduate Programs Specialist
Business Graduate Career Services
Tahoe Hall 2065
(916) 278-7142