Child Support will be set up in any dissolution of marriage (divorce), legal separation, annulment, paternity, or allocation of parental responsibilities (custody) case. It can also be set up in a separate child support case in juvenile court.
Courts follow a formula that was decided upon by the state legislature to determine child support. This formula generally combines the gross incomes of both parents, sets a basic child support obligation based on combined parental incomes, and divides the child support obligation between the parents based on their shared total parental income.
If a parent is not employed at all or only part-time, courts can "impute' income to that parent, which means the court can determine what a parent could potentially earn if they were employed full-time. Courts cannot, however, determine a potential income for disabled adults, parents who are full-time students working towards a certificate or degree, or parents caring for a young child less than 30 months.
Various factors taken into account in determining child support include, but are not limited to:
Child Support will generally continue until a child reaches the age of 19, unless the child is disabled or has not graduated from high school. If you disagree with the amount you are ordered to pay or are being paid, see Asking the Court to Modify Child Support on this site.
Child Support orders can be modified:
Common reasons for such a change in circumstance include:
IMPORTANT NOTE! Added expenses (new car, house, etc.) DO NOT qualify for a modification.
First, to ask the court to change the child support in your case, you must file a Motion to Modify Child Support - click here for instructions and copies of the forms (scroll to JDF 1403l for instructions and to JDF 1403 for the form). The information in the caption (top of the form) - the name of the court and parties, case number, etc. - should be the same as the information on the caption for your divorce or custody case.
In the main section of the motion, state why you believe it is necessary for the child support to be modified (for example if your income has gone up or down).
At the end of your motion, request that the child support be modified as of the date of filing the motion. If you do that, and you are successful with your request, the modification will take effect sooner.
There is a fee for filing a Motion to Modify, but if you are low-income, you can complete paperwork to request the fee be waived by the court. Click here and scroll down to JDF 205 and fee waiver information.
Second, you must mail a copy of the motion to the other parent or to their attorney if they are represented. On the motion you will complete the "Certificate of Mailing" that confirms you've sent it.
The court may send any orders they issue directly to the other party. However, if the court does not provide a copy directly to the other party, it is your responsibility to make sure they receive it.
Third, you'll receive direction from the court about the next step. For example, some counties will set status conferences regarding a motion to modify child support and some will require mediation before they set a hearing or rule on the motion. Make sure the court has a good address for you and check your mail regularly.
Fourth, if you have a hearing, you will be told what paperwork to complete prior to the hearing. Some counties may have you bring this paperwork to the hearing; others will require that it be filed in advance. You will likely need to complete a Sworn Financial Statement, click here and scroll to JDF 1111, and you must prepare a Child Support Worksheet, click here.
For more in depth instructions on how to modify child support provided by the Colorado Judicial branch click here and scroll to JDF 1403l.
CSE Units exist for every Colorado county through the Department of Social Services. They help parents establish a child support order, collect child support that has already been ordered, or modify an existing order. They will also assist you in establishing paternity if necessary.
Support from CSE is available to everyone, not only for those families receiving public assistance such as Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF) or AND.
For more information on CSE Services, click here to go to their website.
No. The CSE Unit only handles matters related to establishing and enforcing child support orders.
If you need to file for divorce or custody, you will either have to do it yourself or hire an attorney. Click here for information about filing for divorce in Colorado from this site, and click here for some information about how to file for custody in Colorado from the Colorado Judicial branch site.
Contact your local Child Support Enforcement unit and request help collecting your child support.
Click here to learn more about the Colorado Child Support Enforcement Unit.
There are several different ways that CSE can enforce child support owed to you through the legal system, including the following:
Colorado Legal Services has put together an informative page explaining paternity issues - click here.
The court action to collect child support will be heard in the state in which the payor (parent who is paying child support) lives. Contact your local Child Support Enforcement Unit because they can work with the Child Support Enforcement Unit in the state where the payor parent is located to obtain a child support order for you.
The U.S. Department of State has put together a website that lists all the countries that the U.S. federal government and individual state governments have child support enforcement agreements with, as well as what to do if there is no federal or state reciprocal arrangement on child support enforcement. Click here to view the site.
While normally this information would have to be disclosed, parents who are victims of abuse from the absent parent can request that their information be kept confidential and not be revealed to the other parent.
The Defense Finance and Accounting Service has put together a website that has information about garnishing the pay of active, reserve, and retired members of the military and the pay of civilian employees of the Federal government for payment of child and/or spousal support. Click here to view the site.
It also provides you information to learn more about the Uniformed Services Former Spouses' Protection Act. Click here to view the information.
This communication is made available by Colorado Legal Services, Inc., (CLS), as a public service and is issued to inform not to advise. No person should attempt to interpret or apply any law without the assistance of an attorney. The opinions expressed in this communication are those of the authors and not those of CLS or its funding sources. If you need advice on this or any other legal problem, consult an attorney of your own choosing. If you cannot afford an attorney, talk to Colorado Legal Services, 303.837.1313. If you think you may qualify for Colorado Legal Services, go to to complete your application online.